8 Days in Puerto RIco Taking Photos

Just returned from 8 days in Puerto Rico. I had a great time. It was most certainly a PHOTOGRAPHY trip. And I was very motivated to bring back some nice images.

During my week in Puerto Rico I stayed in three different cities. Two nights in San Juan followed by three nights in Rincon and three nights in Cabo Rojo. I remember the first two nights I went to bed late and woke up late. Those days were fun but they were very short and I captured the fewest images. The remaining six days of my trip I managed to wake up quite early and I had longer days for taking photos.

The entire trip ended up being a bit surreal once it was over. The island is very easy to navigate. Therefor, I was able to put all my attention on taking photos. And so, I basically took photos non stop for a week. By the time I returned to New York it all seemed like a blur. And I didn’t really even know what type of images I brought back.

I was able to edit 20 images in about one day. No fancy edits here. Just color and contrast like I always do. And maybe some small touch ups. Also, all photos were taken handheld and I think that adds to the uniqueness of each moment captured.

I have plans in the upcoming New Year to display my travel photos in group shows and art exhibits. Follow my Instagram to keep up to date.

I’ve shared some comments below each photo that hopefully you will enjoy and gain some insight.

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Young man at tropical waterfall. Gozalandia Puerto Rico

Cascada Gozalandia. I photographed this young man at the waterfall. There was usually 4-8 people there. But if you ask nicely they will move out the way just long enough to get the shot. Also, if you look closely you can see the rope which visitors use every day to climb up the waterfall and jump off.

Pier through the trees. Sunset golden hour. Boqueron Puerto Rico.

Boqueron. I thought it was a silly idea to frame through this tree but I now I wonder why WOULDN’T I frame through the tree.

Boats on the harbor. Boqueron beach. Puerto RIco.

Boqueron. This was the backup composition of another photo I took. Always good to have options. One of my favorite photos as the larger depth of field adds a lot here.

Creative shot through the trees. Young lady on the beach. Sunset. Boqueron Puerto RIco.

Boqueron. This is one of the “faster” photos from my trip. In that I saw this young lady and photographed quickly and got a few angles. But I love how the grass and trees wrap the photo. This is another shot that really benefits from the large depth of field. You are not a real photographer if you’ve never successfully shot at f13 aperture. (Theoretically anyone can shoot at f13. But to do it well is another thing.)

Stray dog on a field. Puerto Rico.

Faro Los Morillos. Believe it or not, I believe this was a stray dog. It was standing right there just as I came over a hill. This was the top of a large and beautiful cliff. In the middle of nowhere basically. I quickly snapped this photo and managed to not get any pedestrians in the shot as several other people were walking around the tall plateau. You can just see the ocean to the right.

Faro de Los Morillos. Lightouse through the broken gate. Cabo Rojo Puerto Rico.

Faro Los Morillos. This broken gate made for the perfect composition. Love it.

Old man walks up the stairs. Castillo Porta Coeli. San German Puerto Rico.

San German. This photo was captured on the foot steps of Iglesia Porta Coeli. Set in this historic plaza with the old purple colonial house on the corner. This is why I love shooting mid day whenever possible. Hand held captured so much detail. While the old man is in focus you can indeed read the license plate on that car.

Andrew Gonzalez