Photography Lessons with Andrew Gonzalez

What is a lesson like with me?

Did your parents ever hire an SAT tutor for you in high school? Well it’s like that. Except instead of learning SAT you’re learning photography. And instead of a classroom we meet at a coffee shop. Or heck, where ever we want!

Learn the way we want!

Below I’ve shared a sample curriculum. If you are completely new to photography then you might want to start at Hour 1. (See Below)

But if you already have some experience you can skip to any other hour. And we can adjust each lesson to your needs. We could even hire a model if you really want to have some fun.

Sample Curriculum

Let’s teach you what you REALLY want to know

Hour 1

  • How to use your camera

  • How to shoot in Manual Mode

Hour 2

  • How to use natural light

  • Portraits

  • Inside/outside

  • Sunny weather

  • Cloudy weather

Hour 3

  • Off camera flash

  • Composition

  • Color theory

Hour 4

  • Photoshop retouching and Lightroom

Hour 5

  • How to grow your business

  • Portfolio management

  • Website and Social media tips


Skin Retouch With Photoshop

Why use Photoshop?

Photoshop is a very common tool used by professional photographers to make a really good image become a perfect image. The possibilities are endless. You can make subtle changes to a photo or you can make big changes. The choice depends on your style.

What can I teach you?

My main use of photoshop is for skin retouch and color adjustments. I can teach you how I get such smooth natural looking skin without making it look too fake. The techniques used can be applied to all types of photos including landscape, commercial, lifestyle, etc. Not only will you become a master skin retoucher but you will become a very knowledgeable photoshop user.

How do we do it?

In person at a coffee shop, library, etc. Or online via Skype or Zoom