Why should you choose Andrew Gonzalez Photography for your wedding?

What makes Andrew Gonzalez Photography different than other wedding photographers?

In no particular order, here are a few things that make working with me unique.

  1. Reliability. This is probably the most important factor when choosing a photographer. At the end of the day, the job needs to get done and it needs to get done well. That is what you can expect from me. By choosing a “cheaper” photographer, it is VERY possible to hire a someone who will neither get it done or done well. Don’t let that happen.

  2. It’s a vibe. When I’m taking photos I have an energy. I have a vibe of positivity. This is how I know I was meant to be a photographer. Because I feel most alive when I am doing it. As a self taught photographer there was a point where I only did photography “for fun.” Well, that philosophy never changed for me. If taking photos with me is not fun then I don’t want to be a photographer.

  3. Style. My photos have a style of their own. I’ve been told this many times. What I’ve noticed is I’ll create an image based on inspiration I’ve seen from other photographers. And I’ll use techniques I’ve learned from other photographers. And somehow I get image that seems unique to my style. So, I’ve learned to accept that when I take a photo it won’t look like any photo. It will look like an Andrew Gonzalez photo.

It’s all about storytelling

The photos really come to life once they are edited and put together in a cohesive album. Before I deliver photos to clients I imagine what they will feel from the first photo they see to the last. I, myself, feel great satisfaction the first time I look through the final album of any wedding.

When to book your wedding

Often times, couples will book their wedding photographer as much as a year in advance. However, I’ve had a wedding booked with me only days in advance. This is no problem for me. It’s never too late to book but you risk the possibility that I will not be available to secure the date for you if you wait too long.

Photos in this blog are from one of the larger weddings I photographed in 2022.

Andrew Gonzalez