Where Are All My Actors At?

Where are all my actors at? For those of you that ask what my studio headshots look like… it’s this. This is what they look like. Doing headshots for actors is probably the second most important type of photography after weddings. And I don’t claim to be the best at it. People don’t hire me because I’m the best. They hire me because they trust me. And I believe they hire me because they see something in my photos that they don’t see in other photos. All I know is I never let anyone down, not even myself. When was the last time I did actor headshots in the studio? It was a few months but did I hesitate to get back in there and knock out this session? Nope. Never hesitate. Once the photo shoot starts in many ways it’s no longer under your control. What is under your control? Attitude, preparation, confidence, and practice. That’s why you see me having so much fun when I’m working because that’s all I can do in that moment. All I can do is enjoy it.

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